Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Welcome to the Twilight Sessions

Last month was my 50th birthday. That 16-year-old skate rat I used to see in the bathroom mirror...somehow turned into an old man. Yet, here I am...still alive, and more miraculously, still skateboarding. I've started several blogs over the years, and here is yet another one. Why another one? My other main skate blog (Concrete Existence) started as one thing, and evolved into something else (much like everything in life). Over the last year or so, I knew I wanted to start writing more about skateboarding, and life, from the decidedly other side youth. Moreover, I wanted to write in a different tone, and on different subjects than I've been dealing with over at Concrete Existence. I had actually stopped updating my other blogs that often because I was sort of looking for a new "voice," if you will. I think I have found it (at least for now). So, with all those considerations, it just seemed making a clean break / starting a new blog was the best way forward. So, here we are...welcome to The Twilight Sessions.     

What subject matter will be covered here? I will mostly focus on the cultural, historical, philosophical, and existential musing of being an "older" skater. I will certainly still keep posting more general skate stuff (product reviews, DIY stuff, etc.) over at Concrete Existence, but the more personal stuff will be here in The Twilight Sessions.

The pic below is me doing a 5-0 on my 50th (4/17/2027).  


  1. I'm looking forward to reading this. You are about 10 years behind me, and I am curious how your journey compares to mine.

  2. I'm looking forward to this as well.


What's My Best Trick?

Today the 50mph winds finally died down. Temps were in the mid to upper 20s. The sun was out. This meant it felt surprisingly warm . I skate...