Winter has been hitting hard the last few weeks. Snow. Sleet.
Rain. On many of the “dry” days, it’s been really cold with abnormally high
winds (20mph sustained, and 50mph gusts). Cold + wind is a nightmare.
It is snowing as I type this. We are only supposed to get 1”
– 2” today. A larger storm is predicted for this weekend (3” – 6”). My only two
real options for skating right now are the mini ramp we shoveled out (see
previous post…which is about to get buried again, too), and parking garages. Since I work in the evenings, and parking garages are an “after
hours” spot, my chances to hit them are very limited.
In the absence of real skating, I’ve been consuming a lot of
skate content on the internet the last few weeks. During that time, I came across two photos that
shook me to my core.
Why did these grab me so hard? I am not sure. I think that with
age, I am getting better at being a kid. Or rather that with experience, I am
better at seeing purity. I’ve always maintained that the simple is the most profound. Sometimes you have to be "ready" to see simple things. Maybe these photos shook me so hard because I was finally "ready" to see. Purity, simplicity, and the profound are frequently inextricable from each other.
And wow, wow, are these photos both simple and profound. Despite what I said s
few sentences back, I have no desire to be a kid again. That said, there is a…feeling…an
energy…that accompanies youth that I greatly desire to tap. It’s the energy of simplicity,
purity, and, well, the magic that can be found in every-day life.
You can’t
relive childhood. But you can access the magic of the simple, and the profound.
Or rather, the simple and the profound are doorways to that magic. Skateboarding has always been on of those doorways for me. Always. It is a thread that ties 50-year-old me directly back to 10-year-old me. To that end, these are
not just photos of two kids, in 1965, on early skateboards…they are portals to an
experience which words have not yet found.
The magic is real.